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An Investigation of the Role of AI in the Development of Autonomous Cybersecurity Systems

Author: Ellie Cross

At: July 20, 2023

1.0. Research Background and Rationale  

Along with the advanced sectors of manufacturing, marketing and medicine, the sector of cybersecurity is also getting benefitted massively from AI and machine learning technologies. A study conducted by Cybint concluded that around 95% of cybersecurity breaches are linked with human error. Security of vital company networks is considered the most important function for 88% of companies experiencing phishing attacks by 2019 (Alkhalil et al., 2021). For this, Artificial intelligence is referred to play a major role in the reduction of cybercrime risks. Numerous businesses around the world are looking forward to developing autonomous cybersecurity systems which assure the security and confidentiality of their related applications and operations. With the increasing rate of digitalization and globalization, the risks of cyber-attacks have also increased and businesses are needed to implement appropriate digital technologies to cope with such risks. A report released by Norton refers that the global cost of a typical data breach recovery is around $3.86 million, and the companies require 196 days on average to recover from any incident of the data breach. Due to this, businesses are preferred to invest more in applications of artificial intelligence in order to avoid wastage of finances and time (Tadeo, 2019). It is evident that machine learning and artificial intelligence can play a significant mediating role by recognizing different patterns in available data to enable security systems also learned through past experiences. Moreover, AI is seen to provide companies with opportunities to reduce incident response times and comply with the best security practices. Hamon et al., 2020 have examined how the applications of artificial intelligence can be used to assure security within web applications of businesses and other sectors, specifically during the development of cyber security systems. It has been claimed that passwords are progressively sensitive and disposed to cyber-attacks as they comprise private raiding details, credit card evidence, as well as social security contact numbers. These reasons are observed to emphasize how biometric logins contribute majorly to the role played by artificial intelligence within cybersecurity systems. Artificial intelligence is being utilized as a significant factor to track and regulate threats and other forms of malicious activities which might prove to be a danger to the privacy of the company. Numerous traditional and conventional approaches have been recognized and are being used in order to deal with cyber threats. But they are not able to keep up with the sheer amount of produced malware. Therefore, AI plays a mediating role in terms of tackling such issues by utilizing efficient algorithms to eradicate possible malicious activities and viruses which might make the businesses suffer and vulnerable to any potential threats (Kaseniia et al., 2020). According to Harel et al., 2017, Artificial intelligence within the development of cybersecurity systems leads to multiple great opportunities, but with its widespread uses, it also results in massive challenges. Artificial intelligence is observed to enhance cybersecurity systems and defence measures letting them have improved robustness, responsiveness and resilience. However, different applications of AI result in different opportunities and challenges. For example, artificial intelligence in the form of machine learning and deep learning is reported to intensify cultured cyberattacks, which later on results in enabling rapid, restored embattles and more destructive attacks. Different ethical and security concerns regarding the role of artificial intelligence have been recorded within the development of cyber security systems. Within the wide range of other things, it is still not clear how the responsibilities of autonomous response systems should be discussed and how to make sure that cybersecurity systems are acting as per the requirements as well as what sort of security risks are carried by the increasing anthropomorphisation of AI systems (Sagar et al., 2019). However, it is still evident that artificial intelligence will play a major role in eliminating cybersecurity threats and strengthening the underlying cybersecurity systems, regardless of multiple loopholes in it. After numerous trials of investigation on the current research topic, it has been claimed that even if artificial intelligence is playing a major role in making cybersecurity practices stronger, criminals can still use it in negative ways to damage organizations via malicious hacking. As a result, artificial intelligence is left prone to advanced threats through automated programs. Due to this, it can be stated that artificial intelligence is not a hundred per cent foolproof like other cybersecurity solutions. It retains the ability to limit cyber-attacks but still stays vulnerable to some cybersecurity systems. The assessment of past studies and literature present on the usage of artificial intelligence techniques within the development of cybersecurity systems results in multiple considerations which are aimed to be assessed through the following researcher. The present area of concern revolves around the mediating role of artificial intelligence as a significant technology acquired after digitalization within the development of cybersecurity systems. This project is quite necessary to be conducted because the limitations of previous studies are needed to be addressed. The major limitation of already existing literature is the presence of confusion among opportunities and challenges of AI within cybersecurity systems. Most researchers have highlighted the positive outcomes of AI within the development of cybersecurity systems, but numerous led to mixed results and emotions in terms of its significance. This study has major importance because it is going to uncover how artificial intelligence mediates and supports the development of cybersecurity systems and not how artificial intelligence techniques are challenged by cyber-attackers. As a result, this study will release the positive aspects of artificial intelligence, and most businesses will benefit from its implementation while aiming to develop strong and resilient cybersecurity systems.

This research study is going to be of much value because this will play as a tool for knowledge development regarding the importance of artificial intelligence in supporting cybersecurity processes and will facilitate learning by emphasizing the comprehension of issues and challenges of cybersecurity which are later on resolved through applications of artificial intelligence. Another major reason behind the conduction of this research investigation is to increase public awareness, which will help the businesses to succeed and prosper in the coming years. Whenever the objective of any research topic is developed, the impact of its expected outcomes is also assessed. This research study will lead to numerous benefits for both businesses and cybersecurity agencies. As an outcome of this study, the cybersecurity agencies and companies will receive the instructions they require to develop cybersecurity systems via artificial intelligence techniques. They will be able to regulate strategies that will make them grow and gain a better understanding of artificial intelligence applications. This project is also relevant to the students and the field of computer science because most educational institutions are asking their students to come up with the problems of computer science and the digital world. This study will provide them with a baseline to further move towards studying advanced cybersecurity problems being solved and mediated by techniques of artificial intelligence (AI). Moreover, AI has been playing a major role in strengthening the concepts of computer science. Most operations today are being executed successfully through applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence either in the educational, accounting or business domains. The current research study will massively contribute to the concepts of computer science by acknowledging the vital role of artificial intelligence in the development of cybersecurity systems. Below, a diagrammatic illustration of the project is depicted, which is also referred to as a mind map illustration. This is being used to position the proposed project within the computing body of knowledge.

Avoidance of cyberattacks
Catch cyber attackers
Multiple uses by businesses
Vast applications
Multiple uses by businesses
Cyber threat intelligence
Incident diagnosis and response
Network Surveillance and Threat detection
Artificial Intelligence

2.0. Research Questions, Aims, Objectives and Project Plan

The principal purpose of this project is to develop an understanding of how artificial intelligence is playing its role in the formulation of cybersecurity applications. The highlighted purpose is to draw information from previous literature and implement outcomes for better research results and reader engagement. By examining theories and research studies proposed by previous researchers, the current study will identify aspects which emphasize the important role of AI within the formulation of cybersecurity systems and successful provision of security.

2.1. Research Questions

The current research study is going to answer the following research questions.

  1. What is the importance of concepts of artificial intelligence, and how is it contributing to preventing organizations from cyber-attacks?
  2. What are the most significant applications of Artificial intelligence being used to develop cybersecurity systems?
  3. What real-term examples prove that Artificial intelligence plays a mediating role in the development of cybersecurity systems?

2.2. Research Aims

The research investigation to be conducted in order to answer above mentioned research questions will base on certain aims. Firstly, the significant aim of this research is to investigate the significance of artificial intelligence applications within the formulation of cybersecurity systems. This study strives to explore the origin of artificial intelligence techniques and approaches used by businesses and other sectors to cure cyber-attacks and assure the security of multiple systems, along with the challenges and issues faced in implementing AI techniques. The most significant aim of this research investigation is to assess how organizations, institutions and other sectors use artificial intelligence to catch cyber-attackers as well as to explore the efficiency and accuracy of artificial intelligence applications in order to cure cyber-attacks completely.

2.3. Research Scope, Objectives and Risks

The research objectives and scope is identified before the conduction of any study to explore the steps that will be taken to achieve aims and answers the developed research questions. As discussed above, the principal focus of this study is to comprehend the mediating role of artificial intelligence (AI) within the formulation of autonomous cybersecurity systems. Numerous milestones can be extracted out of this topic which can be complied with the SMART framework. However, in order to achieve the aims of this study, the following objectives have been identified.

Objective one: explore and develop an understanding of the challenges and difficulties in the implementation of artificial intelligence techniques to assure the successful development of cybersecurity systems.

Outcome/ delivers: to accompany and accept the challenges identified and implement strategies to overcome those issues to build strong cybersecurity systems using concepts of artificial intelligence.

Objective two: construction of a strong literature review to reflect on the understandings and conclusions of previous researchers regarding the use of artificial intelligence as a mediating entity within the formulation of cybersecurity systems.

Outcome: chapter number two within the dissertation, along with the limitations of previous studies and recommendations to be combined within practice or in future recommendations. While the achievement of this objective, the quality of work will be judged on the basis of literature, level of relevancy, and logic.

Objective three: to take a detailed overview of the techniques of artificial intelligence and implementation of its concepts within the world of cybersecurity.

Outcome: the product of real-terms applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning within the development of cybersecurity systems. Also, this objective will play a role to help identify the artificial intelligence techniques which should not be used to secure the use of the internet.

Objective four: to formulate a questionnaire for this study which would be used as a methodological approach to explore the role of artificial intelligence within cybersecurity systems. This questionnaire will be used by the employed respondent to better comprehend areas where cybersecurity is improved because of AI applications.

Outcome: the survey will help the researcher to provide a more holistic view of the usage of artificial intelligence as a mediating factor to develop autonomous cybersecurity systems.

2.4. Research Methodology

The current research study is going to be based on the primary research method of quantitative approach. For this, a closed-ended survey will be accompanied, which will assist in accomplishing the study objectives as identified above. The sample population for this study encompass a set of individuals from the IT industry working with the techniques and concepts of artificial intelligence. The method of quantitative research is preferred over the qualitative approach because it is assumed to deliver effectual and correct results as well as this approach is not too much time-consuming as the techniques of interviews and focus groups are in actual. The analytical method of statistical analysis will be casted-off to scrutinize the collected data through the survey.

2.5. Task List

The initial tasks for this research study comprise the development of the theoretical framework and understanding of the background of the study and how much it is important to conduct the study. Furthermore, the developed objectives above provide a baseline to formulate tasks/milestones to be achieved throughout the research. Firstly, the literature review will be developed to understand the perspective of previous researchers about the mediating role of artificial intelligence within the development of cybersecurity systems. This task will help to achieve other objectives like an assessment of the challenges and issues related to the use of AI within the development of cybersecurity systems and gaining insight into AI-based technologies to assure the successful delivery of cybersecurity services. The major task is particularly the conduction of survey and collect the real-term information from identified respondents to acquire study results. The next milestone after data collection will be to analyze the gathered data and shape it in the form of comprehensive results and conclusions. In order to complete the above-mentioned tasks, leadership skills would be required in which the researcher should be able to comprehend attained information in favour of study objectives.

MilestonesDurationStart dateEnd date
Development of theoretical framework5 days28-2-20224-3-2022
Literature review20 days5-3-202225-3-2022
Data collection via survey conduction16 days26-3-202210-4-2022
Analysis and conclusions based on results acquired10 days11-4-202221-4-2022
Project writing6 days22-4-202228-4-2022
Presentation2 days29-4-202230-4-2022

Gantt chart

2.6. Risk Log

It is evident that risks are linked with every task to be performed either within a business environment or in the research process. Risk assessment is the best approach to be used in this case, for which multiple tools can be used. The first risk is related to the task of developing a review of previous literature. It is claimed that most studies conducted in the past are not accessible, and permissions are required to access them. In this case, time is expected to be lost. Another risk throughout the process is anticipated to occur during the process of data collection. Cost and time factors might fluctuate because participants are often unable to understand the questions, due to which they back out from filling out the questionnaire. In order to achieve the objective of understanding the techniques of artificial intelligence used in the development of cybersecurity systems, resource-based risk can be encountered, according to which researchers will find it challenging to assess a large amounts of information both through literature review and via surveys because mostly participants might not be allowed to disclose the use of accurate AI-based techniques within the development of cybersecurity systems.

3.0.Ethics, Legal, Social, Security, and Professional Issues

3.1. Ethical Issues

The current research project expects the employed respondents to respect the regulations of the project, which is to complete the understanding of the role of artificial intelligence within the development of cybersecurity systems across the world. The personal information of participants will also be protected, and their confidentiality will be respected too. Also, the participants will be provided with the entire overview of the research objectives before they give consent to take part in the research.

3.2. Legal Issues 

Certain legal issues will also be considered before moving on with the research. Firstly, the participants will be motivated to be biased and contain a solid opinion about any problem. They will also be requested to provide appropriate and complete information so that study outcomes do not suffer. Moreover, overlapping publications will not be used to achieve one of the objectives of this study, i.e. literature review.

3.3. Social Issues

The research will also consider certain social issues which would be addressed throughout the process of research conduction. The participants will be communicated with every aspect of the research before the study is conducted. This will help them to decide whether they want to take part in the investigation or not. Also, biased questions will not be asked within the study, and the participants will be provided with the complete right to answer and share their views about any question.

3.4. Security Issues

The entire process of data collection and coordination with participants will take place after complying with security concerns. The research will be conducted after assuring the security of the personal information of participants, and no private information from them will be requested. Also, the collected data will be preserved in multiple folders to retain backup in case any of the copies get lost or corrupted.

3.5. Professional Issues

Professional issues are also a very important part of any research study, which should be considered in order to achieve accurate and sound study results. The information from the participants will be acquired without judging them over their views and opinions, and the data will be recorded the same as perceived. Moreover, every stage of the research project will be honest to the participants, and the participant’s concerns will be answered with the aim of keeping the integrity of the project to a high standard. Considering the professional concerns, it is claimed that the study respondents will be treated with respect and dignity at all times.


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Taddeo, M., 2019. Three ethical challenges of applications of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity. Minds and Machines, 29(2), pp.187-191.

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Kseniia, N. and Minbaleev, A., 2020, September. Legal support of cybersecurity in the field of application of artificial intelligence technology. In 2020 International Conference Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies (IT&QM&IS) (pp. 59-62). IEEE.

Harel, Y., Gal, I.B. and Elovici, Y., 2017. Cyber security and the role of intelligent systems in addressing its challenges. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), 8(4), pp.1-12.