The Best Literature Review Writing Services In America

Are you looking for professional literature writing services in the USA? This is the right place for you. The AssignmentHelpCenter has expert article review writers to help you succeed academically.




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Professional Dissertation Literature Review Writing Services USA

Why search for “best dissertation literature review writing services near me” when you can find them online with a mouse click? AssignmentHelpCenter has been helping students with their academic endeavors for over a decade and can assist you too! We have expert writers from the top US universities to accommodate you. So, what are you waiting for? If you need help writing literature reviews, place your order with the best literature writing services now. Our features include the following:

  • On-Time Delivery
  • Identification of Potential Gaps
  • Expert Writers
  • Well-Researched Literature Reviews
  • Proper Citations
  • Outline of Research Trends

Why You Might Need Help From Literature Review Writing Services

Conducting a comprehensive literature review can be a time-consuming task. It involves searching for relevant articles, reading and analyzing them, and organizing the information effectively. If you have a busy schedule or multiple academic commitments, you may struggle to allocate sufficient time to complete a thorough literature review. In such cases, engaging professional article review writing services can help you save time and ensure the review is completed within the deadline.

Writing an effective literature review also requires strong research skills. You should know how to search for relevant sources, critically evaluate their credibility and relevance, and coherently synthesize the information. If you are unfamiliar with these research skills or lack experience conducting literature reviews, seeking assistance from a professional writing service can provide expert guidance, and your literature review can meet academic standards.

A literature review should be well-structured and organized to present a logical flow of ideas. It requires categorizing and synthesizing information from different sources, identifying key themes, and highlighting important findings. If you find it challenging to organize the information effectively or struggle with structuring your literature review, a writing service can help you create a coherent and cohesive review that effectively presents your arguments and ideas.

Literature reviews are expected to demonstrate a high level of quality and originality. It is crucial to critically analyze the existing literature and offer insights contributing to the existing body of knowledge. Dissertation literature review writing services have experienced writers who are well-versed in academic writing conventions and can deliver a review that meets the required standards of quality and originality. They can provide a well-researched, well-structured, and unique literature review that adds value to your research.

Academic writing requires a certain level of proficiency in language and writing skills. Suppose English is not your first language, or you struggle to express your ideas clearly and coherently. In that case, taking literature review writing help from a legit service can help you overcome language barriers and ensure that your review is written in a professional and academic style. They can edit and proofread your work, improving the clarity and readability of your writing.

What Is Literature Review Writing?

Literature review writing examines, analyzes, and summarizes existing scholarly literature on a specific topic. It involves a comprehensive search for relevant academic articles, books, and other sources, then critically evaluating the findings. A professional literature review aims to identify gaps in current knowledge, understand existing theories and concepts, and provide a context for the research. In literature review writing, one must synthesize the information gathered, highlight key findings and debates, and present a coherent and well-structured review that contributes to understanding the research area.

Why Is The Literature Review Important In Research

A literature review is backs your research study, guiding the researcher to understand the existing knowledge landscape, identify gaps, and establish a foundation for their investigation. It ensures that the research is relevant and original and contributes to advancing knowledge in the field.

Contextualizing The Research

A literature review provides a comprehensive understanding of the existing body of knowledge and research on a specific topic.

Identifying Research Gaps

By reviewing existing literature, researchers can identify areas that have not been extensively studied or where conflicting findings exist.

Establishing Credibility

A professional literature review demonstrates that the researcher thoroughly understands the topic and has considered the relevant studies conducted by other scholars.

Avoiding Duplication

Conducting a literature review helps researchers avoid duplicating studies that have already been conducted. It ensures that their research question is original and has not been fully addressed in previous research, saving time and resources.

Informing Research Design

The literature review helps researchers gain insights into different research methodologies, data collection techniques, and analytical approaches employed by other researchers.

Supporting Theoretical Framework

A literature review aids in developing a theoretical framework or conceptual model that underpins the research.

Generating Research Questions

Through literature review, researchers can generate research questions and hypotheses based on the existing gaps and knowledge in the field. It provides a basis for formulating focused and relevant research objectives.

Providing Evidence And Justification

Researchers can use previous studies to support their arguments, hypotheses, or theoretical propositions. It strengthens the rationale and reasoning behind the research.

Types Of Literature Review AssignmentHelpCenter Assists You With

We help you with all types of literature reviews as part of our dissertation literature review help . The most common types of literature review writing used in the United States include the following:

Narrative Literature Review

  • Provides a comprehensive overview of existing literature on a particular topic.
  • Summarizes and synthesizes information from various sources.
  • Identifies key themes, concepts, and trends.
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Systematic Literature Review

  • Follows a rigorous and predefined methodology for searching and selecting relevant literature.
  • Involves a systematic approach to data extraction and analysis.
  • Aims to minimize bias and provide an objective assessment of the existing literature.
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  • Involves statistical analysis of quantitative data from multiple studies.
  • Combines results from different studies to derive overall conclusions.
  • Focuses on identifying patterns, trends, and effect sizes.
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Scoping Review

  • Provides an overview of a broad research area.
  • Identifies gaps in existing literature and research questions for further investigation.
  • It may include a wide range of study designs and methodologies.
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Integrative Review

  • Combines findings from different studies, such as quantitative and qualitative research.
  • Synthesizes diverse sources of evidence to develop a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  • Emphasizes the integration of concepts and theories from various disciplines.
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Rapid Review

  • Conducted within a short timeframe to provide timely evidence for policy or decision-making.
  • Involves streamlined methods to quickly identify, appraise, and synthesize the literature.
  • Often used in situations where a comprehensive review is not feasible.
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  • Visual representation of the literature in a specific field or topic.
  • Shows the relationships between different studies, concepts, and theories.
  • Helps researchers identify gaps and opportunities for further exploration.
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Cochrane Review

  • A type of systematic review that focuses on healthcare interventions.
  • Conducted by following specific guidelines set by the Cochrane Collaboration.
  • Aims to provide evidence-based recommendations for healthcare practitioners.
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How To Write A Literature Review?

Now that you know everything about literature review, let’s delve into how to write a literature review. Please note that this is the general way of writing a literature review. There may be additional sections or requirements from your institute that needs to be followed. AssignmentHelpCenter provides literature review writing help according to your requirements.



Step 1:

Clearly define the scope and purpose of your literature review. Determine the specific topic or research question you want to address.

Step 2:

Use academic databases, libraries, and search engines to find relevant scholarly articles, books, dissertations, conference papers, and other reliable sources. Ensure that your sources are recent and credible.

Step 3:

Read the sources’ abstracts, introductions, and conclusions to determine their relevance to your topic. Evaluate the quality of the authors’ research, methodology, and credibility. Select the most pertinent and authoritative sources contributing to your understanding of the topic.

Step 4:

Thoroughly read the selected sources and take detailed notes. Identify key concepts, theories, methodologies, and findings. Organize your notes based on themes, subtopics, or any other logical structure from the literature.

Step 5:

Create an outline or a framework for your literature review. Decide on the main sections or themes you will cover and arrange your notes accordingly. Common structures include chronological, thematic, or methodological approaches.

Step 6:

Begin your literature review with an engaging introduction that clearly states the purpose of the review, highlights the significance of the topic, and provides an overview of the organization and structure of the review.

Step 7:

In the main sections of your literature review, discuss the key findings, arguments, and debates from your selected sources. Group similar ideas and present them coherently.

Step 8:

As you review the literature, identify gaps or inconsistencies in the existing research. Highlight areas where further investigation is needed or where conflicting viewpoints exist.

Step 9:

Summarize the main points and findings from each source. Identify common themes, trends, and patterns that emerge from the literature. Synthesize the information to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Step 10:

In the conclusion section, recapitulate the main findings and arguments from the literature review. Emphasize the contributions of your review and how it fills the gaps or adds to the existing knowledge. Discuss the implications and potential future research directions.

Step 11:

Review your literature review for clarity, coherence, and flow. Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure your citations and references are accurate and follow the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Harvard).

Step 12:

Remember that literature reviews are dynamic and should be periodically updated to include new research. Stay informed about recent publications in your field and revise your literature review accordingly.

A Sample Of Literature Review

If you are looking for a literature review example, you can check out our examples database. You will find all types of samples, including article literature review examples and more. Here is a good literature review example for you to go through.

Several studies consistently reported a positive correlation between high social media usage and symptoms of depression, anxiety, and loneliness. For instance, Carrie et al. (2018) found that individuals who spent more time on social media platforms exhibited higher levels of depressive symptoms compared to those with lower usage. Similarly, Mariah et al. (2019) found a significant association between excessive social media use and increased anxiety among young adults.
Moreover, the use of social media has been linked to poor sleep quality and self-esteem issues. A study by Lima et al. (2020) found frequent social media users experienced difficulties falling asleep and reported higher sleep disturbances. Additionally, a meta-analysis by Lee and Kim (2018) indicated a negative relationship between social media use and self-esteem, suggesting that prolonged exposure to curated online content may contribute to feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth.
However, it is important to note that not all studies have found negative effects of social media on mental health. Some research suggests that social media can have positive effects, such as providing social support and fostering a sense of belonging, especially for marginalized groups. For instance, Liu et al. (2017) found that individuals actively engaged in online support communities experienced decreased loneliness and increased social connectedness.


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Frequently Asked Questions

AssignmentHelpCenter provides the best literature review writing services in the USA and worldwide. They have expert writers and a team to help you create great-quality academic assignments and essays.

Provide an overview of existing knowledge and research on a specific topic.
  • Identify the current state of research, including key theories, concepts, and methodologies.
  • Help researchers identify gaps and areas for further investigation.
  • Provide a foundation for designing new studies and experiments.
  • Help avoid duplication.
  • Enhance the credibility of research.
  • Enable researchers to identify and cite relevant sources to support their arguments and claims.
  • Facilitate synthesizing and integrating diverse perspectives and findings from multiple studies.

Identifies existing knowledge and gaps.
  • Guides study design and methodology.
  • Supports credibility and academic discourse.
  • Prevents duplication of previous work.
  • Enhances research synthesis and understanding.

Understand the purpose and scope of your literature review in the context of social work.
  • Identify and clearly define your research question
  • Conduct a comprehensive search for relevant literature sources
  • Use keywords and Boolean operators to refine your search
  • Evaluate the quality and relevance of the literature sources
  • Organize the literature based on themes, concepts, or theories
  • Develop a clear and coherent structure
  • Start with an engaging introduction
  • In the main body sections, present the key findings and arguments
  • Provide critical analysis and synthesis of the literature
  • Use appropriate citations and referencing styles
  • Conclude your literature review
  • Revise and edit your literature review
  • Seek feedback

A literature review is typically written as part of a research paper, thesis, or dissertation. It is conducted to provide a comprehensive overview and critical analysis of existing scholarly literature on a specific topic. The literature review should be written after a thorough literature search, gathering relevant sources, and organizing them based on themes or key ideas.

The time it takes to write a literature review varies depending on factors such as the scope of the topic, the amount of existing literature, and the writer’s familiarity with the subject. Completing a thorough and well-researched literature review can take several weeks to months.

Writing a comprehensive and high-quality literature review in just one day is unlikely. A literature review requires thorough research, analyzing multiple sources, and synthesizing information. It is a time-consuming process that requires several weeks or months to complete effectively. Rushing through it in a day may compromise its quality and depth.

While literature reviews are not typically published as standalone works, they are often included in research papers, theses, or dissertations. However, some academic journals also publish reviews that comprehensively analyze existing literature on a specific topic, making them available to a wider audience.